Thursday, May 18, 2006

haii. i don't have my fone. help! i posted "prayer" i got from luaquotes. just read on it if you care.

thoughts here:


Oh, Supreme Being, and I don't mean me:
Give me the vision to see my parents as human beings, because if they aren't, what does that make me?
Give me vocabulary because the more I say you know, the less anyone does.
Give me freedom from television because I'm beginning to distrust its happy endings.
Give me sex education to correct what I first heard from thirteen year olds.
Give me homework to keep me from flunking Free Time.
Give me a map of the world so I may see that this town and I aren't the center of it.
Give me the knowledge that conformity is the enemy of friendship.
Give me the understanding that nobody ever grows up in a group, so I may find my own way.
Give me limits so I will know I'm loved.
And give me nothing that I haven't earned so taht this adolescence doesn't last forever.

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